A trip that will take me to some of the best states. Learning the culture, trying local foods and putting Mexico and its people on the map.

Archive for May, 2013

Morelos, Pinotepa, Oaxaca

En la costa Chica de Oaxaca. Existe un pueblo que lleva por nombre Jose Maria Morelos, mejor conocido como Morelos. El 2 de abril de 2013 celebraron su feria anual a la cual invitaron representantes de las poblaciones mas cercanas para asistir al evento cultural. Hubo 10 danzas y estas fueron las fotos que mas me gustaron.
Trato de abarcar un poco de todo, desde la comida, el lugar, la gente y las mismas danzas. Un pueblo en su mayoria de descendencia Afromexicana.
Esta es una de tantas comunidades de la Costa Chica de Guerrero y Oaxaca que en este preciso momento se encuentran luchando por el reconocimiento constitucional. Es una ardua batalla mas no imposible. Lideres y representantes de estas poblaciones han de alguna u otra manera colaborado, trabajado y organizado la poblacion para hacerse presente en los eventos de vital trascendencia y de suma importancia para el desarrollo al igual que la sobrevivencia de tradiciones, cultura e historia.
Esta es la situacion actual del Afromexicano. Mas alla de lo que representa la foto, es una lucha por la vida misma y el anhelo de no quedar en el olvido.

In Oaxaca, Mexico. There is a small village located in the Costa Chica region by the name of Jose Maria Morelos, better known as Morelos. On April 2nd, the village celebrated they annual Feria (carnival). They invited the neightboring villages to celebrate their heritage. this was the result, with the pictures i try to cover as much as i can: Food, people, customs etc… The village is mostly descendants with African roots.
This is just one of the many communities that hold a constant battle in order to gain constitutional recognition. It is a battle in which we are so close to win it. Leaders and members of these commuties have worked hard and closely to the villagers, they understand their needs and know their issues. Later on, those issues are exposed in bigger plataforms, such as forums, conferences and political rallies with the purpose to promote a culture that struggles to survive.
I ask that you see a bit more than the picture. This is the current situation of the Afromexican, it is a battle for survival, a battle to not be the forgotten ones.

“Stolen from Africa, brought to America.
fighting on arrival, fightin for survival.”

Bob Marley














